Download BETA Quick Clipboard Editor

This is the download page for Quick Clipboard Editor beta release v.

Thank you for your help in testing the next version of Quick Clipboard Editor (QCE). The primary goals of beta testing are to test new features, report bugs or comments, and assess the impact of new features on existing functionality (regression testing).

Please report any bugs or issues related to the beta release features in the Quick Clipboard Editor users forum.

Note: Beta releases are identified by their green background icon in the Notification zone.

While I thoroughly test new features before releasing beta versions, there may be unforeseen issues that arise from unique usage scenarios. Your valuable feedback as a beta tester helps identify and address these issues, ensuring a high-quality final product.

Thank you again for your time and contributions.

Easy one-step installation

  1. Download, execute this exe file and just follow the setup instructions.
  2. Enjoy!

Most users ONLY need to download and install the Easy Setup file (above). Users with special requirements and some knowledge of manual software installation may instead download the Portable ZIP file.

About virus or malware false alerts

If you get a virus or malware alert from your anti-virus or protection software about Quick Clipboard Editor being a potential threat, this is not the case (you can trust me… or read this setup EXE file or portable ZIP file anti-virus report by :-). Please, also read this post: How can I use QAP if an anti-virus is blocking its download or its execution?.

What’s new (BETA releases)

See the full version history in the change log.